Hummus, for Purists

More than ever, we, as a society of human beings, can’t let great things go unchanged.

We jump too hard on the bandwagon, turning perfectly acceptable things like Doritos and mozzarella sticksIMGP4920 into 7-11’s latest gruesome impulse buy.

We don’t feel guilty/satisfied enough watching strangers on TV live in a house together and have their lives taped, so we decide it would be more entertaining to have already awkward first dates, in the nude.

We (American Apparel) decide that the timeless/always flattering raglan baseball t-shirt is basic in a bad way, and so we cut it in half.

These days we let tradition slide to make room for confusing, increasingly diluted words like “innovation.” Not that I’m completely adverse to trying new things, or opposed to improvements (let’s be honest, Chipotle won my heart 4 lyfe when they debuted Sofritas). It’s just that nothing, not even hummus, seems to be sacred any more.

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